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[E] Blockguy679
[E] Blockguy679
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over 12 years ago
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over 10 years ago
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thank the lord
over 10 years ago
well this is the first time ive had internet since a few months after i was banned. now i can actually try to get unbanned again. i guess i learned not to trust people when they give you free access to their spawners
over 10 years ago
Sorry about originally not posting this in the correct format. Here's the edited version Username: Blockguy679 When you were banned : (Date) I don't remeber, about 1.8 years ago Person who banned you: Leo Reason you were banned: Darkdooku039 told me he had a chicken egg spawner and he said I could take some eggs from a chest that they spawned in. Afterwords he reported me and said I stole eggs from his spawner (Even though it's a spawner and the replenish within an hour). Leo gathered logblock evidence that said I had accessed the chest and I was banned. This is not very fair as I believe I was entrapped and unjustly banned. I don't blame Leo, he was doing his job but I do place on Darkdooku039 who tricked me. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Typed by: Jeremythewiz (Blockguy679's brother)
over 10 years ago
hey i"m blockguy679 haven't been on for a wile so please.i mean my brother got un baned. i normaly don't beg but please.i realy miss minetown and wold give inything to be unbaned. so thats all
over 11 years ago
My brother did it and he said he was pretty sure it said ok on the forums. Please unbann me. You unbanned him?
over 12 years ago